We had such a great time gearing up and preparing for everyone to come. It was our first Christmas together as a married couple, and although our 2 bedroom apartment is small we were able to cram 8 people in for Christmas day festivities.
Mom and Dad Young came out a few days before Christmas and we were able to bring them to some of our favorite places around San Diego.

23 December 2010- The rain finally stopped for good and we enjoyed some delicious sushi and a relaxing walk through Balboa Park. All Mom and Dad had ever seen of Balboa Park was in our wedding photos, so we decided to show them the park first hand. We even recreated a few of our original wedding photos...with a little twist.
That night Danny took off for the Pointsettia Bowl with a few friends and Mom, Dad, and I grabbed a few last minute gifts.
Christmas Eve!- Since San Diego has so many beautiful places to see we decided to get up and spend part of the day at Cabrillo National Monument. It's one of our favorite places because the views are incredible, and there are cool trails to walk.
After Cabrillo, we picked up the last few things we needed for our Christmas cooking and baking, and it was off to the races. I ended up preparing the Eggs Portugal and Baked French Toast Casserole, the day before so I could just throw them in the oven in the morning and I also made the Pumpkin Pie, and Pumpkin Roll the night before. I had never made a Pumpkin Pie before and I think I need to practice a bit more before next year.
Mom and Dad Carpenter arrived that evening and we all thought it would be cool to attend a Catholic Midnight Mass, so off we went to the Mission San Diego with both sets of parents and Julie. It was a different experience than we were used to but nonetheless, it was a good one. There was good Christmas music and many friendly people.
Christmas morning we woke up with excitement and saw that Santa had been there! There were tons of gifts and we were anxious for the Carpenters to arrived so we could begin the festivities. We started with the reading of our last Advent message which happened to be Luke 2. We grabbed a bite to eat of the yummy eggs portugal and baked french toast casserole, and began the gift opening. Everyone was very generous, and we were very blessed to get some cool things.
We also had a good time preparing for Christmas Dinner. Everyone chipped in, but this was the first Christmas Dinner that we have hosted in our home so it was a fun one for us. We had Ham, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, green bean casserole, rolls, and cottage cheese fruit salad. For dessert we had Apple pie from Julian, Pumpkin Pie that I butchered, and Pumpkin roll that I very much enjoyed.
Along with our Parents and Julie, we were able to have out neighbor and friend Susan join us for the feast.
Before the night was over, we had fun talking to family all over the country including Mark who is on his Mission in Pittsburgh PA, and we topped the night off with the movie, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". We actually played "The Newlywed Game" with Mom and Dad Young, Julie and Mike for the late night show and Danny and I claimed a commanding spot in last place. We are now contemplating couples counseling. haha
The day was a great success and we feel so blessed to have such great families to spend time with during the Christmas season. We are so glad that we have a special day to celebrate the birth of the Savior, and we are trying to keep the Spirit of Christmas with us as well as in our home year round.